Efficient and transformative public management methods

FGV EPPG's Master's Program in Public Policy and Government seeks to contribute to the construction of a better governed, more developed and fairer Brazil for all of society. It is with this objective in mind that we form leaders capable of designing public policies that adhere to the pressing needs of citizens, applying public management methods at the frontier of knowledge.

Our masters are prepared to take on great positions and become:

Current and future leadership

By learning theories, concepts and practices aimed at organizations and the country's development.

Researchers able to focus on research with direct application to the real and most urgent needs of society

By carrying out independent research, based on evidence and aligned with the real governance needs of organizations, whether its improving public policies, improving administrative machinery, reducing corruption, or advancing innovation and sustainability.

Masters connected with global academic advancement

For working in networks and connecting with institutions and organizations of global excellence.

Pessoa usando o notebook

Who is the course for?

One who seek to develop high-profile and high-performance potential, following advances in management, government practices and public policies, to work in governments and public or private organizations.

What to expect?

A complete training that combines theoretical approaches and analysis applied to Political Science, Micro and Macroeconomics, Sociology, Law, Organization Theory and Statistics.

What you will achieve?

Ability to face and solve Public Policy challenges, acting as an innovation leader, with transparency and social commitment.


2 years


Weekly: on Fridays

Degree awarded

Master in Public Policy and Government

Shift and Schedule

Predominantly daytime: from 9 am to 12.20 pm and from 2 pm to 5.20 pm


Public Policy and Government


Edson Kenji Kondo


Benjamin Miranda Tabak

Academic Team


Where we are

FGV Brasília:

Sector of Large North Areas - SGAN
Block 602 - Modules A, B and C
North Wing, DF/Brasilia.
CEP: 70830-020

Coordination Office:

Sector of Large North Areas - SGAN
Block 602 - Modules A, B and C
North Wing, DF/Brasilia.
CEP: 70830-020

Training course for great leaders

The schedule is divided into quarters with weekly classes predominantly on Fridays, from 9 am to 12:20 pm, and from 2 pm to 5:20 pm, at the FGV EPPG Unit in Brasília. There is the possibility of conducting classes on Saturdays or at night during the week depending on the availability of the faculty and interested students. The course consists of four compulsory subjects; four elective subjects; and two research seminar disciplines.



Mulher de óculos

Credits required for titling

To obtain the title of Master in Public Policy and Government, the student must obtain 34 (thirty-four) credits within the term of 23 (twenty-three) as detailed below:

  • 21 (twenty-one) credits in subjects, 13 (thirteen) credits referring to compulsory subjects and 8 (eight) credits in elective subjects;
  • 4 (four) credits referring to complementary activities;
  • 5 (five) credits in the Dissertation;
  • 4 (four) credits in the Defense of the Dissertation that must be made publicly.

Deadline for completion of the program: 23 (twenty-three) months, including approval and public defense of the Master's Dissertation. Diploma obtained at the end of the course: Master in Public Policy and Government.

Master's Dissertation Defense

To complete the program, the student must prepare a dissertation, arising from research carried out by the student himself, under the supervision of his academic advisor. The master's dissertation must be defended before a public board composed of three doctoral professors, one of whom is the academic advisor himself, a guest professor at the institution and an external member of FGV EPPG. After the above procedures and compliance with the credits, the student may request his Master's degree diploma according to the instructions contained in the Course Regulations.

Public Administration Theories

Scientific Research Methodology

Public Policies: Theory and Analysis

Evidence-based decisions

Research Seminars I and II

Economic Analysis of Law and Public Policies

Sustainable Development: Political Economy and Public Policies

Behavioral Economics and Public Policies

Economics of Education


Structure and Processes of Public Organizations

Macroeconomic Studies of Public Policies and Government

Federalism and Public Policies

Public Institutions

Spatio-temporal statistical models, machine learning and big data in public policies

International Module

Public budget

Public Policies: From Typology to Control

Thematic Seminars or Special Topics

Game Theory for Political Science

Innovative transformation in programs and organizations - Public Institutions

Learn more about the Internal Regulation of the course.

Open for subscriptions

We are waiting for your registration!

Homens estudando

The 2023.2 selection will follow the phases:
Phase 1: Document Analysis

The documental analysis encompasses the evaluation of the Presentation Letter that must be attached to the application page of the selection process, according to the Schedule. The evaluation of the Presentation Letter of candidates will be carried out by the Selection Committee and must contain the following elements:
(i) The reasons why the candidate considers himself capable of attending the MPPG;
(ii) Your relevant achievements in professional life;
(iii) The reasons why you consider that the MPPG-BSB will be useful in your professional and academic life;
(iv) Brief description of the topic of interest for research in public policy or government.

The Cover Letter must have a minimum of 30 (thirty) and a maximum of 100 (one hundred) lines in A4 format, with 1.5 spacing between lines, Times New Roman 12 font.

Phase 2: Interview

The selection interviews will take place remotely (online) within the period provided for in the Schedule. The candidate will receive by email the date and time of the interview, which will take place through the Zoom platform. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to follow the call, via email, for the interview.


To participate in the selection process, the candidate must pay the registration fee. Enrollment will be formalized by uploading the documentation below, on the Selection Process enrollment page (www.fgv.br/processoseletivo/mppg):
a. The Identity Document;
b. CPF (if not included in the identity document);
c. Academic/professional curriculum or CNPq Lattes curriculum (http://lattes.cnpq.br);
d. Undergraduate degree. In the case of a course held abroad, the document must be consularized by the Brazilian representation (Embassies/Consulates) in the country of origin of the Diploma or apostille, in accordance with the Hague Convention, and presented with the sworn translation. Candidates in the phase of concluding an Undergraduate course may submit, for enrollment in the Selection Process, a statement with a forecast of completion of the course (issued less than 60 days ago). For the enrollment to be effective, it will be mandatory to present the Diploma or Declaration containing the date of graduation;
e. It is Introduction Letter (item 6);
f. Additional or alternative documents that may be required in specific cases:
a. ThePassport (Only for foreign applicants);
b. Corporate Name Request Form - optional (appendix III);
c. Medical Report: Only people with Disabilities (Annex IV).

Additional information:

1. All documents must be scanned, generated in “PDF” format and attached to the Application Form.
2. Photos of documents will not be accepted.
3. The maximum size allowed for uploading each document is 1.5MB.
4. Documents with two sides or more than 1 (one) page must be scanned in a single file (eg ID, Passport, Diploma, etc.).
5. Applicants should consult the status of the documentation sent through the www.fgv.br/processoseletivo/mppg website, in the Overview menu, in the Follow your Enrollment link. Documents will be checked within 3 (three) business days after confirmation of payment of the registration fee.

Aluno Avulso

O aluno avulso é uma modalidade de estudo em que a pessoa cursa de 1 (uma) ou 2 (duas) disciplinas, devendo indica-las no formulário de inscrição.

A pessoa que desejar cursar disciplina como aluno avulso só pagará pelas disciplinas cursadas, e quando realizar e for aprovada no processo seletivo do mestrado a fim de se tornar aluno regular, poderá solicitar o aproveitamento integral das disciplinas (créditos) em que foi aprovada.

O candidato a aluno avulso deverá enviar, para o e-mail mppg@fgv.br, os documentos descritos abaixo:

a)    Currículo Lattes ou CV;

b)    Formulário de inscrição preenchido;

c)    CPF e Identidade (não será aceito passaporte);

d)    Diploma de Graduação (caso não possua o Diploma, o candidato deverá apresentar uma Declaração de conclusão de curso e colação de grau, emitida há menos de 6 meses, carimbada/assinada pela IES);

e)    1 foto 3x4;


Para mais informações e acesso as grades entre em contato pelo e-mail mppg@fgv.br

As vagas serão preenchidas por ordem de recebimento da documentação e confirmação do pagamento.

O valor de cada disciplina avulsa é R$ 5.150,00 à vista 


3x de R$ 1.766,66 no formato de mensalidade


“Proteção de dados pessoais”

Os dados pessoais solicitados serão utilizados para viabilizar a finalidade de sua inscrição no curso escolhido, sendo ressalvado na forma da Lei a utilização dos mesmos pela FGV para fins de cumprimento de obrigação legal ou regulatória, especialmente as orientações normativas do Ministério da Educação, ou para fins de interesses legítimos à promoção das suas atividades, garantidos os direitos previstos na LGPD.

O Contato do Encarregado de Proteção de Dados Pessoais da FGV e os documentos de adequação estão disponíveis em: https://portal.fgv.br/protecao-dados-pessoais, sendo que se você desejar o exercício de quaisquer direitos relacionados aos seus dados pessoais será necessário clicar e se cadastrar na opção "Conheça o Portal dos Direitos dos Titulares de Dados Pessoais FGV" no link acima.


Values ​​for issuing documents

Common Fees 2019.2

  • Declaration: R$ 15.00
  • Out-of-Term Course Registration: R$ 100.00
  • School History Active Student: R$ 15.00
  • School Records Ex-Students: R$ 30.00
  • Electronic School History: R$ 00.00
  • Course program: R$ 15.00
  • Full course program: R$ 400.00
  • 2nd Copy of Diploma: R$ 350.00
  • 2nd copy Access Card: R$ 30.00
Alunos em pé debatendo trabalho

Common questions

Questions answered about the course

Yes. However, once approved in the Master's selection process, it is necessary to provide proof of completion of graduation for the enrollment to take effect.

No. The MPPG has a special interest in motivated students and seeks to facilitate access to the master's degree. For this, it invites graduates from all areas.

Yes. Please consult the active Selection Process Notice for more information.

Portuguese. In some cases, subjects may be taught in English.

No, but intermediate knowledge of the language is recommended, taking into account that a large part of the theoretical framework adopted in the disciplines is in the English language.

Yes. However, classes are taught exclusively at FGV Brasília once a week, on Fridays. The student must fulfill 75% of frequency to not be disapproved for lack of discipline.

The use of the MPPG courses in another FGV school is subject to the analysis of the Coordination of the destination course. Look for the Coordination of the desired course.

Yes, because the Master's classes are not taught full time. Reserve Fridays during the day to attend classes.

No. According to the rules of the development agencies, it is not allowed to have an employment contract to receive scholarship assistance.


FGV has a cafeteria for students, employees and teachers at the institution on the external ground floor.


All information about the Master's subjects is available here.

Yes, however, the Coordination only authorizes the stop out in exceptional cases by opening a Request with justification. For more information, access the Course Regulations here.

Students who fail to defend their dissertation within the statutory deadline will be removed from the program, leaving their re-entry conditioned to the submission of a new selection process.

You can request to  exempt the subjects taken in the other program through an open application at the Academic Records Secretariat (SRA). The application is subject to analysis by the Coordination, according to the internal criteria of the School.

The advisor is defined by the student in alignment with the Course Coordination and with the express consent of the advisor professor, according to the theme researched by the professor and the student's dissertation proposal. In exceptional cases, the student may change their advisor. Get to know the profile of the Program’s Professors here.

To obtain the title of Master in Public Policy and Government, the student must obtain 34 (thirty four) credits.

Any opinions expressed by Fundação Getulio Vargas’s staff members, duly identified as such, in articles and interviews published in any media, merely represent the opinions of these individuals and do not necessarily represent the institutional viewpoints or opinions of FGV. FGV Directive No. 19 / 2018.

High contrast