Professor Doctor
PhD in Public Administration and Government (FGV-SP), Master in Political Science (USP), Specialist in Sociology (UFRGS), Bachelor and Degree in Social Sciences (UNISINOS). Professor at the School of Business Administration and Faculty of Economics at Getulio Vargas Foundation of São Paulo and at the School of Public Policy and Government at FGV-Brasília. As a professor at FGV in São Paulo, he teaches courses on the following topics: a) political system and political institutions in Brazil, a discipline in which topics such as the electoral system, the government system, the party system and the role of control institutions are analyzed ; b) political economy of lobbying and representation of interests (role of regulatory agencies, capture theory, corporate renting behavior and electoral financing); c) federalism and intergovernmental relations, with an emphasis on municipal management and its demands for state competencies in the areas of finance, people management, transparency, control, audit and evaluation of public policies. Has experience in Public Management with participation in modernization and institutional development projects, with an emphasis on organizational aspects, institutional management and planning arrangements, indicators and evaluation of public policies as a basis for decision-making processes in control, audit or regulation , especially in subnational governments. A significant part of the instructional and didactic material it produces for public administration is focused on the themes of planning, management, evaluation through indicators, control and auditing, with an emphasis on subnational governments. He works as a consultant in administrative and managerial modernization projects for public institutions, having participated in more than 20 projects with Brazilian city halls.